From Exploration to Discovery Success: Palladium & Nickel in Western Australia
Galileo Mining Ltd (ASX:GAL) is a Perth-based, ASX-listed exploration company focused on the discovery of palladium, platinum, nickel, copper, cobalt and rhodium at its Norseman and Fraser Range projects in Western Australia.

Who We Are
- Galileo Mining is a resources company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX) under the code GAL and is exploring for palladium, platinum, nickel, copper, cobalt and rhodium at its Norseman and Fraser Range projects in Western Australia.

Objectives & Strategy
- High-value palladium and nickel discovery in an established mining region
- Specialist exploration company creating value by targeting new mineral resources
- Ongoing drill programs at the Callisto discovery and at new targets in underexplored provinces
- Early discovery market valuation and exceptional growth potential
- Well supported with largest shareholders being successful mining investor Mark Creasy and major mining company IGO